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Moooving Into a New School Year!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of TruMoo Milk. All opinions are 100% mine.

Summer is wrapping up and I am in full back-to-school mode! Last spring, I attended our state’s annual homeschool convention, purchased our curriculum, and spent the summer planning and hitting all the back to school sales (love me some $.o1 paper from Staples!) I have struggled, and I mean STRUGGLED to add more routine to our school days, but after this past year, I’m feeling like I am really starting to get the hang of it. Homeschooling has been just as much a learning experience for me as my children and I love being on this journey with them!

This year, my oldest will be starting second grade. She loves school, loves reading, and loves a challenge even more. We will be tackling Ancient Egypt and introducing Latin.  My second daughter is going to enter kindergarten; her reading skills are moving right along and I am enjoying seeing those glimpses of accomplishment in her eyes as things are starting to “click” for her. So, while school days are spent bouncing back and forth between the girls, I’m also making sure this little guy isn’t writing with Sharpie on the walls or climbing furniture.

Finn TruMoo

Finn is giving me a run for my money!

This kid eats nothing- and I mean nothing! We are always trying to cram protein in when we can, so we love dairy in this house! One of my kids’ favorite drinks is chocolate milk. Heck, it’s one of mine too. We drink milk all day long, but it’s especially good in chocolate form, YUM!

We’ve been buying TruMoo Milk for awhile now, and I am happy to report that it contains no high fructose corn syrup! Yep, not only is it CORN SYRUP-FREE, but the milk is fresh from our local dairy too.  I encourage you to check out the TruMoo website, not only is it missing all the gross stuff, but one serving of TruMoo provides:

  • As much calcium as 5 cups of broccoli
  • As much potassium as a small banana
  • As much vitamin A as 2 baby carrots
  • As much vitamin D as 3.5 oz. of cooked salmon

In fact, it’s my kids’ favorite drink for road trips too… My husband is one of those fun Dads who takes their kids inside of gas stations and lets them choose snacks. No way am I unstrapping three kids from their carseats and dealing with that noise, but he will do it every time. They always come out with the strawberry milk and I smile to myself because they have this thing with their Dad and gas station snacks. I hope they remember this someday.

TruMoo at the gas station1

Gas Station Stop! (iphone pic)

What I didn’t realize is that while I buy TruMoo in the store or we pick it up on the road, over 1.5 million cartons of TruMoo are served daily in public schools. We miss out on those cute little cartons I grew up with as a homeschooling family, but we aren’t missing out on all the fun! The adorable cows on the containers have made their way to TruMoo’s website, and they have fun and FREE games for kids to play.

trumoo milk school Udderly America

This month for fall, TruMoo has released a new game called Udderly America It is a trivia game with questions ranging from which state had the first electric street lights to which state has the most hot springs. I’m not going to confess how many times I played to pass the first level, but I will say it is a challenge! Trivia is my favorite and I love having FREE educational games to play with my kids, I mean, I love that they have a fun game to play, haha. TruMoo also has two more games for playing; Barnyard Blitz and Famously Uddered.”  These games are adorable and cleverly designed (for the record, I KILLED it at “Famously Uddered!”)

So, after a morning of breaking in our desk for the new school year, the kids can take an afternoon break playing trivia and sipping on some of their favorite chocolate milk. Finding the right balance between happy and healthy is never easy. That’s why there’s TruMoo.

Ahh, I love this time of year- Learning is so much fun!

Udderly America

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