An Awesome Thing That Happened in July

So yes, the last month has been rather uneventful around here, but there was one awesome thing that happened to me in July.

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email in my inbox and I was so IMPRESSED, inspired, and flattered when I read it that I had to share!  First, I called my husband at work to tell him the news, then I shed a tear of awesomeness for this newlywed couple, and finally, I chuckled to myself a little bit when I thought about the “Marriage Bed” comment I made in my Farmhouse Bed post (sometimes I crack myself up). And now I have to share it with all of you:

Hi Jenny,

I just wanted to say thank you for your blog and great ideas.  I recently got married but before we got married, my husband sent me a link to your site of your farmhouse bed and in the header of the email he wrote “do you like it?  I can make this.” 

I was somewhat skeptical, but as soon as we got back from our honeymoon, our first stop was to Home Depot to get all the supplies to make the bed.  Sure enough, just a short time later, my husband got started and made the bed for us.  It really didn’t take him that long, waiting for the coats of paint to dry was the longest part.  Here is a picture of our bed. 

So anyways, I just wanted to share that with you.  Thanks for your blog and thank you for being partially responsible for me having the coolest bed ever.  We love it! 


Angela D. 

Check out their beautiful bed (and the bedding- isn’t it great?):

How cool is that? You totally made my day! Thank you Angela for the email, I hope you don’t mind I shared your awesome bed with the entire world! It turned out lovely, you should be very proud.

Props to your new groom for a job well done!

Prayers for a blessed marriage and may Christ abide in your hearts and in your home forever.

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  1. What a sweet story! I found your blog through a comment you posted on Blogging with Amy. I'm a relatively new blogger myself, trying to meet other bloggers with similar interests. I hope you'll visit my blog at I've just purchased my domain name but blogger has a glitch that won't let me finish the process of switching to it. Go figure.

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