Where has May gone?

I’ve been MIA for a while, folks. May is flying by and I’ve taken time to enjoy our beautiful Idaho spring. Usually it kind of skips straight to 100 degree heat this time of year, but we have had many enjoyable days, rainy days, overcast days, and windy days too. My plants look fabulous (and my weeds too), all of this rain has given them a jump start for the hot days ahead.

And I’ve been busy too.

I built a bed!

I’m so excited it’s finished. This was another Ana White build, and I will blog soon…but I want to paint my bedroom first. It just won’t do the bed justice if I don’t have a nice new pallette that matches the bedroom set I bought myself for mother’s day!

Here’s a sneak peek, but you’ll have to wait for the rest!

I went to a funeral.

My great Uncle, the last of my grandparent’s generation, passed away. We made a trip to tiny Lovelock, NV for the service. I reconnected with my cousins and spent a night telling old stories and laughing. great time.

Sam and I. I like to take pictures in the car and yell at him for not looking at the camera when he’s trying to drive. yep.

Cousins! Ava, Khloe, Rylee, and Taylor

and Lyla too!

My Uncle Doc took one last ride on the firetruck, he was a volunteer fireman forever, as well as the county DA and class president for all four years of his high school career.

I know that District Attorney is impressive, but class president all four years? One likeable guy, alright!

I cleaned my garage.

Now that’s a project worthy of it’s own post. I spent several days between kid naps and rainy weather to clean out the garage. It was bad. and that’s all I’m gonna say.

Prom pictures.

Yes folks, I went to prom. No, just kidding, but I took some great pictures of a certain niece. Brooke, my soon-to-be 15 year-old niece was invited to her first prom. She is a freshman, but it is a small school and you know those upperclassmen rules go out the window in small schools. Heck, practically all the rules go out the window in small schools. This is speaking from experience, of course ( Idaho City High School, Class of 2000.18 graduates).

And from now on, she would like to be referred to as “Brooke, Duchess of Northstar Charter.”
She looked beautiful and from what I heard, her first prom was great. Another Rite of Passage come and gone.

I planned a baby shower.

That got canceled.

One of my best friends is having a baby. I forgot that I had agreed to help with the shower and so the date kind of snuck up on me. Apparently “snuck” is not a word, but I’m going with it anyway. A week or two before the shower, my friend was hospitalized due to health complications and she and baby have been on strict watch.

The shower was still on, so while she was in the hospital getting better, I was staying up till 3 am working on decorations. Then the shower was off again, then on. Then maybe the baby would come early. It was a roller coaster alright, not so much for me, but for my poor friend who was continuously getting poked with IVs and fighting dangerous blood sugar levels, and contractions too. Praise God she has made it through! In fact, she made it home and was assigned bedrest for the next few weeks. With the shower plans in effect, I kept on trucking. Then I got a call the day before and the shower was postponed! Much to my relief, because now I will have more time to fine tune things a bit before the big day. I’m just praying she keeps the baby in.

However, I have a back-up plan. I titled the theme of the shower “She’s About to Pop,” so if she does decide to have that baby early it will be renamed “She Popped!” How clever am I? Totally flexible on that one, and all the decorations will still work, Yay!

So, busy month- no blog posts. I’ve got to figure out how to manage that one a little better.

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