

What a loooong night!

I’ve been up late tweaking my little blog. Check it out! I’ve got a new background and a new header designed by yours truly- and on Microsoft Publisher, if you can believe it!

This has been a daunting task, I know nothing about html coding (and I still don’t), but thanks to some lovely blog women out there, I am slowly beginning to put things together.

It’s been a challenge to learn, and even though it’s 4 am, I’m feeling pretty accomplished at this point, I’ve even got my Facebook page all Timelined out with some pictures. Feel free to “like” me if you haven’t already!

If you are looking for some blog design tips, there are a few tutorials I found along the way that were extremely helpful:

Teresa Belle Designs has a great tutorial for designing and uploading your own background. I don’t think I would have made it without her!

I am now officially a “.com,” thanks to Amy Lynn Andrews from Blogging With Amy. I found her tutorial on creating a blog button which led me down a rabbit trail of all things blog. Definitely a place I will be returning for more help when the time comes.

And, who got me started with this task?….Renee at Living, Laughing, and Loving, of course. She has an entire series called “Beautify Your Blog.” I enjoy her writing, she has a great personality and a wealth of knowledge.

So there you go, good luck with your blogs, ladies! Hopefully you will learn some new tricks and put them to use. Let me know what you think of the “New and Improved” version of Birds and Soap! 
Seriously. Leave me a comment, I seem to have lost my comments again. Blogger is switching things up! poop.

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