
Cupcake Purses for My Sweeties

While I was on Facebook some time ago, an old friend from high school posted these cute little cradle purses that she was selling. I had never seen them before and was completely intrigued. Apparently, I have been living under a rock for all my life, because everyone in the world chimed in on how they all had one growing up…their Grandma made them…yada, yada, yada.- All news to me!

My girls are just the right age for these little purses because they LOVE rocking accessories at all times and the mothering and doll playing stage is in full effect.

This is the perfect storm of crafts. Crocheting + kid stuff + holidays = “You’re the BEST MOM EVER!”

I love to crochet, it’s one of my wintertime hobbies, so I decided I would make one for each girl for Christmas. To my surprise, these adorable little purses are all over the inter nets, so I had no trouble finding a pattern.

Not to be a hater, but some of these purses are a little too “fancy” for my own taste. All of the variegated yarns, layers upon layers of lace ruffles…too rich for my blood.


Does anyone else’s mind immediately go here when you think of these crocheted creations?

Can I get an “Amen?” (like it’s a sin to see the roll of toilet paper?)

I was on the search for a  current design from this decade simpler design and was pleasantly surprised when I came across this one. Thanks “Champygirl!” I found her FREE pattern posted on Crochetville.com. “Champygirl’s” secret identity is also known as Amelia Beebe, if you are a member of Ravelry, you can find an awesome project gallery here. I love the Minnie Mouse versions too.

It’s a cupcake.
It’s a purse.
It’s a baby cradle. 
It’s adorable.

 Photo credit via Ravelry by user BigFunFam.

Love it! 

One of my favorite versions. I wish I had seen the little heart earlier. How cute is that?

This is the best of both worlds, in my opinion. Anyone who can incorporate dessert into an accessory is a winner in my book!

I love the crocheted rib pattern on the cupcake “wrapper” for the base of the purse. It was simple to do and turned out looking pretty authentic. It is also nice and bulky, so it gives the purse it’s form.

I chose Caron Simply Soft yarn for the frosting part of the cupcake; it has a nice sheen and is super soft. I followed the original pattern for this purse, however I did make a modification to add a scallop border around the frosting edge for a little more sweetness and because I didn’t want to have to go back and add it later.

Truth be told- I’m lazy.

On the “Frosting” section of the pattern, I completed Round 1, then inserted 2 rows:

From Amelia’s instructions:

“…Round 1:  Using size H hook join frosting color with a sl st to any stitch of rnd 12 of the cake part. Ch 1, 1 sc in each st around. Join with sl st to first sc. (48sc)”

*I inserted 2 rounds here:

Ch 1, sc in each stitch around, working in front loops only. Join with a sl st to first sc. (48). 

Ch 1, sc in first st, *5 sc in next st, sc in next st.* repeat from * all the way around to create scallop edge. 

Join with sl st to first sc. Sl st up the scallop to get back to Round 1. Continue with “Round 2” instructions of original pattern.*

This is what you get. A petite little scallop.

And back to Amelia:

Rnd 2: Ch1 sc in each st around, through back loops only. Join with a sl st to first sc. (48sc)…”

Please refer to the full pattern instructions here. Thank You Amelia, for posting such a great pattern!

Anyway, this was a simple addition to the pattern, I didn’t have to go back and change yarn or try to stitch in my existing work (which is always a pain for me). I thought the little scalloped edge looked sweet enough without having to “add more flair.”

I finished the pattern according to the instructions, and for the top trim I chose this fun yarn. 

It sells like hotcakes at Christmas time. It’s pom-pom yarn. Kind of a pain to work with, but it gives the most luscious soft cupcake “Topping” you’ll ever feel. It’s like a million little bunny tails all on one string.

With the whipped cream topping complete, all this cupcake needed was a cherry on top!
I just winged it to make a sphere. Started with a ring, increased my stitches a few rounds, then decreased for a few rounds. Just before finishing it off, I stuffed it with a little Polyfil, and in the end, I had a nice cherry. I tied it to a random place along the inside edge; when the purse is closed, it sits right on top. Yum!

Because I was crocheting bootcuffs and headbands (and more bootcuffs and more headbands) for my teenage nieces for Christmas, I didn’t get the cupcake purses finished in time.

But you know why that’s okay? 

Because NOTHING says “I Love You” like a cupcake!!

These gifts weren’t late for Christmas, no, no… They were right on time for Valentine’s Day!

Let’s not forget the best part:

Not only are they purses, but have adorable little baby cradles inside! after I finished the little cradle/awning/bassinet thingy (what’s that called?) I trimmed it in more of the pom-pom yarn.

To give support to the purse base, I inserted an old CD into the bottom (You know, when you bought 6000 of them because you realized you could burn all the music you wanted by yourself on your computer and then never did?). I put some batting on top and hot glued a scrap of fabric around it to make a little mattress. And a blanket to match, of course.

Then comes time to find the baby. Walmart has cheapies for a dollar, but I found some slightly nicer ones for three dollars at Target. And their outfits matched the cupcakes! SCORE!

The purse string is one long loop that I doubled around the top. That way, when you pull the ends, it cinches up on itself.

If you like to crochet, this is a fast project that worked up in one or two evenings. It was fun, easy, and I’m sure my little girlies will be dragging them to every store we go to for at least a week!

Happy Valentine’s Day, from our family to yours!


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  1. These are absolutely adorable! I vaguely remember having something similar to this when I was little ~ I think my aunt used a dish soap bottle as the base….oh my, memories!<br /><br />Thanks for linking up to Project Inspire{d} and have a Wonderful Week!<br /><br />~hugs, Mary Beth~

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